Why Create a Facebook Fanpage?

I recently stumbled upon a blog called Mr Internet, Michael Russer - Online Dominance. In it are a lot of tips, techniques, and secrets on how one can fully utilize the internet for business, among others. I will be featuring some of his posts here as I know that it would definitely help Realtors  like us grow and expand our business.

So for a start, let's talking abuot Facebook.  I know everyone has a Facebook account, but do you know that you can use it to help you improve your search rankings, as well as in lead generation?

Do you have a Facebook fan page? If not, then I suggest making one. But how does a profile page differ from a fan page? Mr Internet explains this:

Personal Profile vs. Fan Page

There are two primary ways you can represent yourself on FaceBook:

  1. Personal Profile – everyone who has a FaceBook account has a profile page.  This is your “home base” for all your friends and family to connect with you in a personal way on personal (i.e. not business) matters.  While how you grow and manage your “friend base” is a topic for another post, suffice it to say it doesn’t even come close to helping your business as the next way.

  2. Fan Page – sometimes also referred to as your business page. This is where you try to attract and interact with people who are part of your target market or at least connected to it in some way.  Now this next part is very important:  The more targeted fans you have, the more Google will see you as being relevant and important in your field of real estate expertise.  And this translates to significant gains for your search engine rankings.  For example, Douglas Newby is essentially a one-man shop in Dallas, yet his site consistently out-ranks those of companies in his area with 1,000 or more agents.

So now how do you make this fan page work??

Here is the link to Mr Internet's blog post titled "Explode Your Facebook Fan Page Base For no Cost" and learn the secret. Goodluck!

Read the article here.

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