5 Things You Can Do To Make Your Listings Sell Faster

Did you ever wonder why some listings sell faster then others? In a tough real estate market you should make sure you follow all these simple rules to help your sellers sell their homes.

1. Price it Right

I am sure you know that the best way to sell property is to price it right. Most of the time Realtors let the seller price the property because seller’s are in love with their homes and often think that their property is worth more then it really is especially in these market conditions where property values have gone down and not up as it use to do.  So you as their Realtor have to show them all the comps and all the gloom and doom reports from the media to convince them to Price it Right! You must let them know that if the market is bad that their property won’t appraise if it is priced to high because appraisers work on the last 6 months of sales in their neighborhood so if sales have been bad appraisals will be bad too. It is like the TV show “The Price Is Right” if the price isn’t right it won’t sell.

2. Eye Appeal

We all know that people buy on emotion and having the home staged inside and out really helps make the sale.  If you as the Realtor don’t know how to do that I suggest that you take a course in staging homes and you can do that on the Internet at http://www.isucceed.com plus you can learn a lot of tips from the top real estate agents to help your business explode! I am a mentor on http://www.isucceed.com and know most of the other agents who are mentors and they are the top Realtors in their area and they know every trick in the book! Sometimes sellers will even pay to get a professional stager if you know one you like plus the stager will help you sell the home by word of mouth that they staged the home and their friends should buy it.

3. No Clutter

Some sellers think their homes are perfect and like to have tons of pictures of their family everywhere but that doesn’t help sell their home. They need to put everything away and make the home look spacious because clutter just makes it look smaller. Basements and garages need to be cleaned out too…even if the seller has to rent a storage locker to get rid of the clutter it is worth it.  Buyers don’t want someone else’s clutter.

4. Advertising

Now this is a really big one…seller’s think you should advertise their home in every news paper, magazine and on every Internet website. But this can cost you an arm and a leg if you know what I mean so you have to draw the line somewhere.

I explain to my sellers that the Internet is the best place to advertise their homes because the National Association of Realtors says that 84% of home buyers now go to the Internet to search for properties before they ever call a Realtor so the Internet will get them more buyers then the news paper or magazines. I also have a great website with Point2Agents that places their home on over 200,000 agents websites plus Realtor.com the area’s MLS Google, Craig’s List and so many other websites that there is too many to mention here.

If you want to check it out just go to my website,

http://www.naplesrealestatecenter.com and click on the Free website button and discover how you can reduce your expenses and get more buyers and sellers to see your listings.

If your seller still wants you to do print advertising check your budget and see what magazines and news papers bring you the best results.  I also tell my sellers if they want to pay for the print advertising and their advertising brings us the buyer then I will reduce the commission.  This usually makes the seller really happy because they can advertise wherever they want and save money too!

5. Give a Bonus to Buyer or Seller or Agent or to Everyone

When you have the seller’s property in the MLS with thousands of other properties you need to make it stand out to Realtors to get them to show your listing instead of all the other listings in the neighborhood.  You know that old saying the more showings you have the better the chances are that the property will sell.  I find that Realtors today are hungry because they aren’t making as much money as they did before and they tend to show properties that have extra bonuses. I usually add a $5,000 to $10,000 bonus that the seller pays for. It really helps me get showings and usually if they buy one of my listings with the bonus the Realtor gives the bonus to the buyer and the buyer loves their Realtor for it.  It is a win win for everyone.

I also just found a great new way to give trips to everyone…the buyer, seller and the Realtor if they sell one of my listings. This one makes everyone happy! Check it out

at http://www.findfreevacations.com it only costs me $99 a month (less than an ad in the news paper) and I can give vacations and cruises to everyone. It certainly gets me more showings and lots of attention plus my sellers love it because I am the only Realtor who does it so they know I am going the extra mile to get their property sold.

If you haven’t tried everything above then it is important that you do because your seller deserves all the benefits that you can bring them. Plus it will make you stand out as the best Realtor in the area and will definitely bring you a lot more business and who doesn’t need that today?  You do if you want to stay in the Real Estate business and pay your bills. We as Realtors have to try everything to get the job done right!

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